
Grafting Technology

Garden grafting clips is actually a practical new product for plant growth and a a kind of auxiliary plant growth retractors. Rose grafting also need grafting clips to help it grow better. Here are some details about rose grafting.

As for the grafting method, rose grafting better use budding way. When doing grafting, it should be done in stock base of about 5 cm from the ground. Stripped of acupuncture, according to bud length and thickness and rootstocks. Strip the acupuncture and then according to the length and rootstock bud thickness, respectively, crave on "contraband" shaped or "I" shaped interface (rootstock thick). Next, pry tree bark gently at the interface and insert sharpened bud and then use grafting clip to fix the the intersection part.
Followed management: generally the grafting part can grow well after a week in summer grafting that can heal. Since the low temperature need more time to grow, so it needs more time to untie the garden grafting clips. You need wipe the sprouted buds on the rootstock after unting the garden grafting clips.
grafting knife should be sharp and disinfected.
Bud’s length and thickness should be moderate and the garden grafting clips should be solid.
grafting process should be quick and accurate.
The agricultural film of Shanghai JL Horticultural and Agricultural Supplies is committed to producing reliable garden grafting clips. It is a good choice for you.

